Get LIFETIME access to ALL of our Salesforce Certification Courses worth $1,491 for only $197!

This bundle contains:
🎁 Salesforce Administrator
Certification Course (Value: US$497)
🎁 Salesforce Advanced Administrator
Certification Course (Value: US$497)
🎁 Salesforce Platform App Builder
Certification Course (Value: US$497)

You get ALL this in ONE bundle for only US$197!

Get access to the most comprehensive
Salesforce learning experience EVER

There is literally nothing else you need to prepare for AND
succeed in your Salesforce Certification exam, AND BEYOND.

  • 45+ Hours
    Video Tutorials

    To-the-point no-fuss (but fun) guided video tutorials. Including loads of follow-along and self-guided hands-on exercises.

    Value: US$1,341.60

  • 1,900+ Pages
    Study Workbooks

    Summaries of all exam topics. Can be downloaded and printed. Includes flow charts, diagrams, step-by-step processes.

    Value: US$74.70

  • 13+ Realistic
    Practice Exams

    Fill learning gaps before taking the real exam. Get familiar with the exam format and you'll take it with confidence.

    Value: US$74.70

...and you get ALL of this for ONE SINGLE PAYMENT of just US$197 🤯🤯🤯

It will take you ahead of the competition by building a rock-solid Salesforce knowledge profile recruiters will be very impressed with!

Still not sure?

Here are a few questions for you to think about. Can you answer at least one of them with 'YES'?

  • Are you currently preparing to get certified for Salesforce Administrator or Platform App Builder?

  • Are you already Admin certified and wish to take it to the next level?

  • Do you want to stand out from the competition?

  • Do you want to impress not only your Recruiter but most importantly your Future Employer?

  • Do you struggle remembering what you thought you had already learned?

If any of the above is TRUE for YOU...

...then our Salesforce Certification Training Bundle is the perfect solution for you.

Why? It not only prepares you for your first fully flown Salesforce Certificate, either the Salesforce Administrator or Platform App Builder. It also allows you to review all fundamental Salesforce knowledge topics you need for you every day Salesforce job and that you need to prepare for the next level Salesforce Advanced Administrator Certification. Plus, you can easily recap topics and skills to showcase at your next Salesforce job interview. This Salesforce Certification Training Bundle will be yours to keep and reference at any time you need to!

Fast-track your Salesforce Career journey with these FUNDAMENTAL Salesforce Certifications!

Our Salesforce Certification Courses will prepare you for these certification exams like a pro. We want to help YOU build a solid foundation for many Salesforce professions.

The Salesforce Administrator and Salesforce Platform App Builder Certifications are the pre-requisites for many Salesforce career paths. They teach you everything you need to know about the Salesforce platform and its incredible ecosystem.

While the Advanced Administrator is more of an extension to the Salesforce Administrator Certification, what you learn there is extremely beneficial for roles like the Business Analyst or Salesforce Consultant.

All Salesforce Certification Courses Created By
Your Expert Salesforce Instructor

Peggy Schael

"Your Salesforce Skills are only as good as your hands-on practice!"

It's not just about adding that Salesforce Certification to your CV, but mostly about learning the essential Salesforce knowledge and skills you need to be successful in your current or next Salesforce Job. And that's what our Salesforce Online Courses, Study Workbooks and Practice Exams are all about. Want to know more about me? Come and meet me here.

Don't take my word for it. Here's what our students are saying:

  • "Thanks to you Peggy! I earned my Salesforce Advanced Admin Certification after passing the exam, by the skin of my teeth no doubt, on the first time. Your WeLearnSalesforce course, the fire hose from which I drank over the past 4 days, was epic and was exactly what I needed to take my Salesforce game to the next level. You rock and I hope everybody knows it :)"

  • "The way you teach is so helpful! After trying everything else, this was the key to getting a deeper understanding of the material. I'm a big fan..."

  • "I am glad that I have found this course. I have purchased several other video courses on this subject; however, I find this course very comprehensive and the best. I have no experience in Salesforce or any other CRM software and it is very important for me to get a good grasp of the fundamentals before I dive deeper into the subject. I find the instructor very knowledge and her tone and accent are clear, lively, and easy to understand. I am happy that the course is current and covers the exam syllabus in a structured manner. I also like the inclusion of short practical trailhead module challenge with every lesson."

The Salesforce Certification Training Bundle includes EVERYTHING
for building the foundation for a successful Salesforce Career:

Are you ready to become a Salesforce Pro?

And get all of the above for ONLY US$197! (Worth US$1,491)